Production Animal Services
Gomer Bull Surgery
Client Education
Vaccination strategies
Implant strategies
Nutrition consultation
Ask us about our annual “Cowboy College”
General Surgery
Cosmetic dehorning, claw amputation, waterbelly, laceration repairs
Beef Quality Assurance Certification
USDA Regulatory Work
Health certificates (CVIs)
Brucellosis vaccination (OCV, Bang’s vaccination)
Salebarn inspection
Preg Checking
Ultrasound or palpation
Vaginal delivery
Cesarean section
Breeding Soundness Exams
Calf Intensive Care Unit
Cattle Processing
Chute and/or corral rentals
We can provide labor if you need
Artificial Insemination
Synchronization protocols
AI service
Embryo Transfer

Due to the diversity of animal production systems we service, there is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach to vaccination programs, antimicrobial therapies, or antiparasitic strategies. Whether you are new to herd health or need help with your current regimen, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your unique situation.

Animal Health Products
We carry product lines from Zoetis, Merck, Boeringer-Ingleheim, Elanco, Phibro, and Pneudart.
Can have most product in clinic or shipped to your door next day
No shipping charge on orders over $150
If you need it, we can get it!
Y-Tex and Ritchie Tags
Most common tags on hand
We can special order if you need a certain color or number set
Polydome Calf Warmers